Well, it finally happened. Snow is on the roof of my car, turning into rock solid ice as we speak. I've lived in Salt Lake City (or close by) my whole life, so you'd think I'd be used to it by now. Or at least to the point where I'm not totally crippled by anger when I see a fresh layer of powder on the ground. Spoiler alert: I'm not at that point!

There's only one reason I'm able to make it to any of my classes on time in the winter, and that is my collection of beanies. Sorry, but I can't be bothered to put dry shampoo and tousle my hair in that perfect way that looks like "I didn't do anything, but in reality I actually spent 45 minutes with no less than three styling tools" when it's 30 degrees outside and I can choose to stay underneath my blankets for proportionately longer. So, "collection" might be a bit of an overstatement; I only have three beanies. BUT STILL. I wear the shit out of those three beanies. If you're looking to add to your collection like I am, here's a list of the ones you should strongly consider. And by consider, I obviously mean purchase immediately. 


Brian Lichtenberg Féline Beanie



Lunar Phase
 Toque / Beanie



ASOS Beanie Hat with J Patch



Black MEOW Cat Beanie



Studded spiked BEANIE Navy



Married To The Mob X UO Relax Beanie


These are my current favorites, and it's taking all of my will power to not add that "MEOW" beanie to my shopping cart. Considering its absurdly reasonable price point, I predict that beauty will appear on my Instagram feed in the not so distant future... 

The internet is a gigantic place, so I am bound to have missed a few gems. Link to possibly even BETTER beanies in the comments, please.


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